Creating things, connecting people

About Us
We believe that we can enrich prople's lives through our trading business. We deliver products and services that people in the region value from overseas to Japan and from Japan to overseas. And we will develop our business so that people can connect with each other's thoughts and hearts through our products and services.

主に海外の展示会へ赴き、日本でまだ認知されていない商品を中心にメーカーと直接交渉し輸入しております。Made in Japanの製品は有難いことに海外で高い評価を頂いておりますが、世界中にも日本製品に劣らないどころか、機能、デザイン品質面で勝る商品がたくさんあります。その中でも先進的な商品や高品質な商品を厳選し日本の皆様へお届けします。
We mainly visit overseas exhibitions and negotiate directly with manufacturers to import products that are not yet well-known in Japan. Thankfully, Made in Japan products are highly evaluated overseas, however, there are also a number of products around the world that are not only as good as Japanese products, but are superior in terms of function, design and quality. Among them, we select the most advanced and high quality products and deliver them to the people in Japan.
By actively utilizing crowdfunding, which has been attracting more and more attention in recent years with each passing day, we are making our products known to a large number of people and conducting test marketing and promotion prior to general sales in the Japanese market. For foreign manufacturers who are considering entering the Japanese market, we will do our best to assist you from introduction to general sales.

日本製で既に生産されていない希少価値の高いヴィンテージ商品をECサイトのeBayを活用して欧米、オセアニア、アジアなど世界中へ輸出しております。 現在のメインの取り扱い製品はフィルムカメラ及びそれに付随するレンズ・アクセサリーです。ほとんどのものが生産時期は何十年も前のものですが、厳選した状態が良いもの、もしくは整備をしたものを取り揃えておりますので、まだまだ安心してご利用頂けるものばかりです。今後は、日本の地方の魅力ある製品を輸出していくなど、輸出事業も拡大予定でございます。
We export rare and valuable vintage products made in Japan that are no longer in production to all over the world, including Europe, the United States, Oceania, and Asia, using the e-commerce site eBay. Currently, our main products are film cameras and related lenses and accessories. Most of them were produced decades ago, but we have carefully selected items that are in good condition or have been serviced, so you can still use them with no worries.
In the future, we plan to expand our export business by exporting attractive products from regional areas of Japan.